by Rosemary | Jan 19, 2022 | Late Vocation, Priests, Vocation Story
Kerala, India — Most people in India join the priesthood early in life – after 10th or 12th. However, there are some people that the Lord calls later. Or… they respond a little late. They are commonly known as ‘late vocations’. Often,...
by Rosemary | May 25, 2021 | A day in the Life, Ministry, Priests, Sisters
Sisters and priests have always been on the frontlines – not just when there is a crisis or a disaster, but every day. They work in the most remote areas, setting up and running schools, colleges, hostels, health centers, hospitals and social development...
by Rosemary | Sep 9, 2020 | Fun, Priests
Is studying to become a Priest boring? Just Theology and Philosophy all day long? Have you ever wondered if seminarians have fun… ? And if they do… what would that look like? Well, dancing seems to be one of the things they do… Here are the...
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